On The Road Again – Road Trip Tips

Cross country road trips can be fascinating and cost-effective. However, in today’s world, if you plan to take a road trip it is wise to access a few resources on road trip tips to ensure that the journey you take is a safe one. Follow these road trip tips for a safe and enjoyable journey.
The journey to the great unknown can be a fascinating excursion of the mind or in an automobile. However, in today’s world, if you plan to take a road trip across the United States, anywhere in between, or anywhere in a foreign country, it is wise to access a few resources on road trip tips to ensure that the journey you take is a safe one.
Safety is Smart
Being prepared for the unknown and anticipating problems does not make anyone a pessimist. In fact, when it comes to road trip tips, it actually makes someone pro-active to anticipate what might go wrong. It shows that individual is actively taking an interest in his or her own future rather than simply leaving their vacation plans to luck. When beginning a road trip, it is wise to honestly and accurately evaluate the vehicle you will be driving. Check the quality of tires, the air pressure in the tires, the oil level, the condition of the spare tire and the level of the washer fluid. By accurately evaluating the condition of the vehicle, it ensures that all preparations are done and thereby prevents any avoidable mishaps along the way.
A valuable travel safety tip is the preparation of a travel log or outline of any road trip or long distance travel. By knowing the destination and the travel path for the journey, it is easy to notify a friend or family member of the intended route of travel. By taking the time to share the details of the journey, the opportunity for mishap is considerably diminished.
With an arranged departure and an expected arrival time, it is easy for someone else to check on the safety of the traveler. In the event that the vehicle was to break down or some other mishap should occur, there is a watchful eye to alert the authorities. Having a contact person for the beginning and end of the journey is just one travel safety tip that could save a life in the event of an emergency.
A road trip tip would be remiss to omit the necessary items of emergency flares, emergency blankets, whistle, water, food, scissors, rag and small hammer. While some of these items are obvious, it is the odd items on the list that might prove most useful in an emergency. It is obvious that the road flares would be used to warn others of an accident or other mishap on the side of the road and to be cautious.
There are any number of ways the emergency blanket could be used; to prevent someone from going into shock, to keep someone warm, to burn if there is a need for fire, to tie a split with if needed, the list is endless. A road trip tip that is often ignored is the carrying of a whistle. A whistle is necessary if the vehicle were ever to get stuck and the driver trapped inside. A whistle can be heard a lot farther away than someone’s voice and it takes less energy to blow a whistle than to yell for help.
The food and water are clearly a survival issue. The scissors, rag and small hammer are all items that may be necessary to get out of the vehicle should someone become trapped. The scissors can cut through a seatbelt and the hammer and rag can be used to break a window. As with all road trip tips, it is hopeful that these items will be stored in the vehicle and never needed. Yet, it would be terrible to need them and not have them.
Unfortunately, the days of hitchhiking and picking up friendly faces along the highway are long gone. It is a dangerous risk to take a ride with a stranger. When thinking travel safety tips, it is imperative to remember that Ted Bundy was considered an attractive man, which made it very easy for him to attack his many female victims. While it is thoughtful to help others, allowing a stranger into your vehicle or climbing into a vehicle driven by a stranger is not the best way to travel.
By: Darlene Berkel
Source: ArticlesFactory.com