Visit Richmond County & Experience the Unique Historical Region of Virginia, Known as the Northern Neck.

Richmond County is one of five counties included in the Northern Neck National Heritage Area. The story of Richmond County begins with Rappahannock Tribe, who constructed villages along the Rappahannock River, that were included in John Smith’s maps, published in 1612. Settled by the English, who built stately homes along waterways, Richmond County offers history enthusiasts days of discovery along its country roads and waterways. Several of those homes are open on Wednesday, April 19, during Virginia’s Historic Garden Week in the Northern Neck. Tickets and information are available HERE!
Warsaw is the County Seat of Richmond County, and central on the Courthouse Green is the Richmond County Museum, which has exhibits telling the stories of Richmond County from pre-contact to the present. An internationally revered native of Richmond County is Congressman William Atkinson Jones, who authored the 1916 Act that eventually guaranteed Independence to the Philippines after the Spanish American War. His ornate memorial stands in the cemetery of historic St. John’s Episcopal Church.
Five miles outside of Warsaw is Menokin, the former home of Francis Lightfoot Lee — a signer of the Declaration of Independence — which is a National Historic Landmark. It is one of the best-documented 18th century houses in the United States. Menokin’s 500 acres are an unspoiled, waterfront refuge featuring pristine bird habitats, remnants of the 18th-century agricultural landscape and terraced gardens, and miles of woodland trails and waterways. Visit for outdoor recreation, exploration, and a guided tour of the landscape and the Glass House Project at the Menokin ruin.
Menokin’s Glass House Project uses innovative display techniques to reveal the historic fabric of the ruin in its current state with missing portions of the original house to be replaced with architectural glass. It is the only project of its kind in North America. The entire project is estimated to be completed in 2026 to coincide with the 250th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Current visitors witness the progress of the project close up in real time!
Learn about Menokin’s legacy of slavery at the Remembrance Structure and Memorial Tree Grove in addition to current endeavors by the modern descendants of those enslaved at Menokin to honor their ancestors. To explore Cat Point Creek, Menokin also offers seasonal kayak rentals through Rappahannock Outdoor Adventures.
Visit for more information, programming, and events.
On the banks of the Rappahannock River, camping is available at Naylor’s Beach Campground, which is also open for day use. Richmond County is home to several tracts of the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Hiking, photography, fishing, and paddling are permitted. The refuge is free and is open all year long from dawn to dusk! Click HERE for more information to visit the refuge.