The Wonderful Waterfalls of Rabun County, Georgia!

In Rabun County, Georgia, a new outdoor pursuit is rapidly taking hold: waterfalling. Waterfallers love spending time in nature like many others, but what sets them apart is that they only hike to waterfall destinations. An amazing 700 waterfalls are now documented in Georgia – including over 120 in Rabun County alone, more than twice the number in any other Georgia county. And of course, the waterfall obsession is not limited to waterfallers. Waterfall hikes are an excellent activity for anyone ranging from veteran hikers to young families who just want to get out, disconnect from the day-to-day and experience the treasures of nature.
So why is waterfalling becoming so popular? Have you ever stood by a waterfall and suddenly felt your whole mood change? It could be because of the effects of negative ions. Sometimes known as “the waterfall effect,” negative ions, odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules, are released whenever water collides with itself. These invisible little powerhouses, are tossed in the air as the water falls, and we reap the benefit by breathing them in.
Negative ions have been studied for more than 100 years and researchers have found evidence that negative ions can help regulate sleep and mood, reduce stress, boost immune function and even increase energy. Besides their scenic beauty, those are pretty great benefits to chasing waterfalls, not to mention the obvious health advantages of taking a good walk!
If that sounds like something you’d like try for yourself, Rabun County, Georgia is the place to be. Waterfall hikes in Rabun County are not only abundant, but also cover a full spectrum of adventures, from easy to difficult hikes, and from spectacular, dramatic falls to quiet and peaceful ones. They reside anywhere from along the well-worn trails of our three State Parks, to just off the road, and in some cases, way back in the woods. Some of Rabun’s most popular waterfall hikes include:
So, no matter what type of excursion you’re looking for, in Rabun County, there can be a waterfall at the end of it. Just be sure to be properly prepared for your chosen hike with the appropriate dress, gear and hydration, and the reward will definitely be worth the effort. Start your own waterfalling adventure today at