Greene County, PA

Explore rolling farmland in the summer to snow-covered hills in the winter as you tour the countryside seeking our historical covered bridges. Or pursue breathtaking vistas in the spring to stunning foliage in the fall. Greene County has it all.
Predominantly rural but overwhelmingly charming, a trip to Greene County is a return to simpler times. In the southwestern corner of Pennsylvania, only one-hour south of Pittsburgh, generations call this land home and are proud of its rich history and traditions.
Step back into time to explore a perfectly preserved century-old foundry and machine shop along the river that produced parts for steamboats, coal mines, railroads, and for local businesses. The W.A. Young & Sons Foundry in Rices Landing is a prime example of America’s industrial heritage and is open for guided tours most Sunday afternoons.
Outdoor recreation is also a key part of Greene County’s appeal, offering dozens of activities and facilities to keep the young – and the young at heart – at play. Trace the footsteps of Native Americans from over 5,000 years ago along their trading route now called the Warrior Trail. Hike to the top of Brown’s Hill along the Pennsylvania and West Virginia border where Mason and Dixon laid their last marker along the line that later served as a division of the United States.
If you have an affinity for history or just find the thrill of canons and gunfire enthralling, plan a visit to the annual Washington & Greene Counties’ Covered Bridge Festival held the 3rd weekend of September where the Civil War re-enactors battle for ownership of the White Covered Bridge. Or bear witness to soldier recruitment and a Civil War battle scene at the annual Harvest Festival in October at the Greene County Historical Society Museum.
This year, plan a trip to a simpler time in Greene County, Pennsylvania!